The Yellow Ribbon Project (YRP) is a movement that strives to build a more inclusive society by changing society’s mindset to give ex-offenders a second chance in life so that they can contribute and pay it forward to society. The initiative was started in 2004 by the Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) Network. Former president S.R Nathan launched the campaign at the Yellow Ribbon Project Charity Concert.
Then President of Singapore, Mr S.R. Nathan, launched the Yellow Ribbon Project (YRP) and Yellow Ribbon Fund (YRF) during the inaugural YR Charity Concert.
First Tie-A-Yellow-Ribbon Walk & First YR Job Fair
First Celebrating Second Chances Awards Ceremony & First YR Creative Festival
First YR Community Art Exhibition & First YR Culinary Competition
First YR Prison Run/National Day Goodie Bag packing by inmates
Yellow Ribbon Community Project (YRCP) was launched to support families of newly admitted inmates
Yellow Ribbon Day @ 13th International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) Conference in Singapore
Inaugural Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) Network Workplan Seminar
Feature of inmates’ artworks at Singapore Night Festival
11th Yellow Ribbon Prison Run attended by then President of Singapore, Mdm Halimah Yacob
Crafting of mask and multi-purpose pouches by inmates and ex-offenders for various beneficiaries
1st YR Awards Ceremony
YRP’s 20th Anniversary